Aarhus School of Architecture: Prequalification begins
01-09-2015Today the Danish Building & Property Agency publishes the design contest notice for the restricted design competition for the "NEW AARCH", the new School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark. The restricted design competition will take place in 2016. Read the design contest notice here (link is no longer active).
The design contest notice launches the prequalification for the restricted design competition and informs about the details concerning criteria for the selection of participants, specifications on how to submit the material etc.
The time-limit for receipt of requests to participate is October 19, 2015 at 12:00 noon.
Open design competition in December
At the same time the Danish Building & Property Agency publishes a prior information notice for the open design competition as an opportunity for everyone interested to start preparing. The open design competition will be published in December. You can read the prior information notice here (link no longer active).
The Danish Building & Property Agency expects to pronounce the three prequalified participants for the restricted design competition before the launch of the open design competition.